Weekly Reflection – 11/26/24
St. Mary’s Reflection: Marla Perkins, Music Associate
Reflections on our Lady of Guadalupe
Each year our Children’s Choir is made up of a slightly different group of very young choristers as unique on the inside as on the outside, raising their own questions, trying to understand what we sing. The deeper questions sometimes involve lengthy inner consideration to come up with a satisfactory, age-appropriate answer.
Music, story, acting, creation of beauty, love, together with personal and group effort provide purpose, vehicle, and answer all-in-one. This richness of experiential learning and growth in our choir moves me very deeply. It is a living process and a gift for our parish.
This Sunday, December 1, the Children’s Choir will draw on their courage and love in a procession of story, song, and roses to honor Mary as she appeared to Juan Diego: Our Lady of Guadalupe.
In this story when Juan Diego tried to avoid the beautiful apparition at one point to summon help for his sick uncle, Our Lady appeared to him and asked why he had not asked for her help. Her words both gently chided and reassured him, “Listen, put it into your heart my youngest and dearest son, that the thing that frightens you, the thing that afflicts you, is nothing: do not let it disturb you…Am I not here, I who am your Mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection?” She guided him to pick beautiful roses in a place they did not exist, unlike anything he had ever seen, and present them to the bishop as a sign that she had appeared to Juan and wanted a church built in that place.
Personally, I am deeply grateful for Our Mother Mary. She brings a lovely, warm, acceptance and comfort to my soul when I ask her to pray with me. With her I can pour out my mother’s heart, my teacher’s heart, and feel her presence. In difficult times she reminds me that I am not alone, God is with me. With Mary I can find the heart to do something beautiful for God.
When children are preparing for their presentations and often very nervous in their desire to do well, they and I find it strengthening when I draw on this experience and tell them that this ceremony is a gift for Mary, for the people of our parish, for God. Dig your feet deep into the floor, raise your head toward the sky, open your mouth, and let your voice out. I am there to help you. You are not alone. Let’s go and do something beautiful for God.
I invite you to join us at the 9:00 a.m. service this Sunday, December 1, honoring Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Marla Perkins,
Music Associate