An Invitation to Read “Pro-Choice and Christian” by The Rev. Kira (Schlesinger) Austin-Young

Given the recent decision of the Supreme Court to overturn Roe vs. Wade, it is vitally important that we as Episcopalians be able to articulate why it is that we believe as a denomination that abortion should be safe and legal. Rev. Kira (Schlesinger) Austin-Young “manages to create a place of quiet, cool-headed decency where we can gather to talk about one of the most combustible topics on the planet (John Pavlovitz, back cover of book).” The book also “unapologetically preaches the good news of Jesus Christ as a promise of abundant life for all people while unflinchingly naming the brokenness and tragedy in the world (Bromleigh McCLeneghan, back cover of book).”

Copies of the book can be purchased online or ordered from bookstores. St. Mary’s will also have copies in our library for loan. If you have any questions, please email Ashley Ryan at [email protected]